Floating Resto!

Loboc River

フローティングレストランはボホール島で見つける必要があります、この川はLOBOC RIVERと呼ばれ、このレストランの食べ物のほとんどはシーフード、フィリピン料理です。この水上レストランにはフィリピン文化のダンスがあります。これは、チーム#cebulocaldiversを予約して旅行するときに体験できます。だからあなたは何を待っていますか、旅行しましょうダイビングしてすぐにお会いしましょう。


Small monkey

Tarsier must be found in Philippines(Bohol) ,Borneo , Indonesia. Tarsier is a small monkey and it’s so very cute.

Tarsier is a shy , nocturnal animal that leads a mostly hidden Life. So what are you waiting for? Let’s Travel,Let’s Dive. and see you soon.

Bohol CountrySide!

Chocolate Hills

The famous Chocolate hills in Bohol, where at located In Carmen , Where tourist like to visit this place because of the small mountain formation, “it’s look like a CHOCOLATE ” That why they call this place a “Chocolate hills” and the exciting part of this before you can reach this beautifull view you need to climbed 100 staire’s . So what are you waiting for? Come and visit our website , Let’s travel , Let’s dive , See you soon!

Marigondon Cave.


Marigondon Cave is the one of diving spot in Mactan , Philippines . This cavern is very wide inside , you can enjoy and see some rare cave marine life inside like round tail pajama fish , and the flashlight fish which only be found in the cavern, you can dive here if you are advance open water and above. So travel and dive with us! Arigatou gozaimasu!